Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions

Alignment Based Hatha Yoga

Hatha is a classical form of practice where there is longer holding of poses. Classes will include warm up exercises, sun salutations and postures to encourage flexibility, strength and balance, as well as relaxation. There will be a strong focus on alignment inspired by teachings from Iyengar Yoga.

You will explore basic poses more deeply, as well as practice intermediate and advanced poses. By repeating poses and staying in them longer, you have time to discover a deeper level of understanding of both basic and more refined levels of alignment: inner and outer, shape and direction, form and function. Being still in a pose will become effortless and joyful.

All levels are welcome. Moderate to vigorous intensity.

Archetypal Flow Yoga

A balance of structure and flow, repetition and change, stability and mobility.

Using the unique framework that is you, we’ll move in ways that are informed by the nature of who you are. Working with the fits and folds of archetype, learn to use measure and structure to enhance your stability, mobility and strength. Infused with Katonah yoga and tantra, class will blend hatha, flow, and breath work to incorporate different facets of the practice. We’ll explore the patterns of the body and uncover ways to truly support ourselves.

All levels are welcome. Moderate to vigorous intensity.

Beginning Yoga

Kati in Gomukhasana Legs

Beginning Yoga is a perfect introduction for those who are new to the practice, as well as an accessible refresher to those trying to establish a new routine. Kati will guide you through the asanas inviting you to move mindfully and intentionally.

The classes will explore your breath, stability, and range of motion.

Function and Flow ~ Somatic Yoga

Gena climbing up the wall CROPPED

This slow-flow yoga practice will focus on improving the optimal function we need to move with freedom through daily life. We’ll clear away our patterns of compensation to reveal our strength and new possibilities for power. Activities like walking, balance, and getting up and down off the floor become easier.

This is a somatic-informed yoga practice. We’ll move energy as we re-establish the brain’s connection and control of muscle function. Learn how to bring consciousness, along with compassion to your yoga practice and life.

All levels are welcome and encouraged. This will be a more gentle class.

Gentle Hatha Yoga

Uttanasana on Chairs

Hatha Yoga is a classical form of practice where there is longer holding of poses than in a vinyasa style. This gives time for students to learn and understand how to get into and out of poses safely and hold them more comfortably, with stability.

Classes will include warm up exercises; postures to encourage flexibility, strength and balance; breathing techniques for building internal strength and stability; and deep relaxation for the health of the nervous system, body and mind.

Students will be invited into yoga postures through step-by-step verbal description and demonstration. Emphasis is placed on student safety and stability within each pose.

This accessible class is an ideal choice for anyone looking to develop a practice of conscious, mindful gentle movement. Students are encouraged to practice at their own level of strength, flexibility and endurance.

All levels are welcome and encouraged. This will be a more gentle class.

Gentle Restorative Yoga

Treat yourself to a time when you slow down and connect to the quiet part of you with a softer yoga practice. Start and end with restorative poses that are supported, comfortable and give you time to sense and notice your body as muscles gradually open and release. In between, move slowly with awareness of the body movement and breath connection through a yoga sequence that circulates the energy, builds flexibility and balance and calms the mind.

Gentle and Restorative. All levels are welcome.

Hatha + Slow Flow

This class combines classical Hatha yoga with the flow of a Vinyasa practice. We begin with gentle warm-ups and pranayama exercises before moving into Sun Salutations and traditional asanas. Poses will be linked with mindful transitions and gentle vinyasas. Some postures will be held for longer periods to refine alignment and to foster a deeper connection between mind, body and breath.

All levels are welcome. Modifications will be offered and use of props will be encouraged. Emphasis is placed on learning and exploration; not performance or perfection.

Intro to Ashtanga Vinyasa

Inspired by the Ashtanga yoga method, this class incorporates postures and vinyasas from the primary and intermediate series. Postures are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence (Vinyasas) with cues to use of the bandhas (energetic and muscular locks) which assist you in moving safely in and out of postures and holding them.

The use of props and modifications will enable practitioners to access the full expression of the poses.

This class is orchestrated in a fun, energetic and light-hearted way. Yoga is a celebration of life, a way to express your unique self, and a time to enjoy connecting with mind, body and spirit.

Beginner to intermediate levels, intensity varies from moderate to vigorous.

Integral Style Hatha Yoga

Milena In Parighasana CROPPED

This classical form of Hatha Yoga integrates the various components of traditional yoga – Asanas: physical postures and stretching; Pranayama: breathing techniques; Yoga Nidra: deep relaxation; and Dhyana: meditation. During the class, each student is encouraged to practice at his/her own level of strength, flexibility and endurance.

This style of Yoga was developed by Swami Satchidananda of the Yogaville Ashram in Buckingham, VA and Integral Yoga Institute in NYC.

Beginner to intermediate levels, intensity varies from gentle to moderate.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga emphasizes precise body alignment and follows a safe, systematic progression of learning. Developed by yoga master Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar, it is suitable for every age, body type, and fitness level. Iyengar Certified Instructors are rigorously trained, demonstrate poses clearly, and give detailed instructions.

Poses are held longer and done one at a time to deepen the students’ experience and intelligence. Individual corrections and adjustments are made as needed, often by the use of props. Iyengar Yoga is a complete approach to life, intended to create and maintain physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being.

Suitable for all levels, moderate intensity.

Katonah Yoga™

Katonah Yoga™ blends hatha, flow and breath-work to incorporate different facets of the practice. We’ll explore the patterns of the body and uncover ways to truly support ourselves. Working with the fits and folds of archetype, learn to use measure and structure to enhance your stability, mobility and strength. 

Katonah Yoga™ is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan. It incorporates TCM theory, metaphor and movement into a framework that offers the opportunity for transformation.

Develop your own recipe for joy. Classes uses props. Suitable for all levels, moderate intensity.

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Kundalini Yoga is a great way to recharge your body. It stimulates the nervous and immune systems, improves strength and flexibility, centers the mind and opens the spirit. Kundalini Yoga develops your relationship with your mental potential. You learn to use the neutral, intuitive, comprehensive mind. From your very first class you’ll start reaping the rewards, which include relief from back pain, stress, addiction, depression, insomnia, and weight control. Plus, Kundalini Yoga can help keep you stay young. Everyone can do it!!!

Sometimes called the yoga of awareness, Kundalini Yoga combines all of the traditional tools of mantra, breath, and meditation in a unified conversation with the body, using the yogi’s inherent wisdom and personal comfort level to achieve healing. Taught in the form of Kriyas (sets of exercises that target the needs of the body, mind, and soul…there are thousands!), yogis use individual awarenesses and comfort levels to [process], release, heal, and expand through exercise while always meditating and breathing…a practice that follows from the mat to the world.

All levels are welcome. Intensity level is moderate to vigorous.

Kundalini Yoga Sadhana in the Himalayan Tradition

Kundalini Yoga in Himalayan Tradition is the simplest, most practical way to prepare the body for the awakening of the greatest creative potential of a human being. The classes will include a vigorous warm-up, postures, breathwork, meditation and a sharing of deep knowledge to help the practitioners transform their thinking into “I can, I will, I must”. Together these will build the foundation for a Kundalini Sadhana for those who want to commit to a daily practice towards the safest form of Kundalini awakening. It is the spiritual box of chocolates that will leave you detoxed, energised, with a soft heart and a sharp mind.

About Himalayan Tradition lineage:

The lineage includes Swami Rama and his teachers Bengali Baba, who is disciple of Mahavatar Baba, known as Babaji. The tradition has no name, and is not affiliated with any of the institutions or religions of the plains of India or other countries surrounding the Himalayas. The tradition of the Himalayan masters encompasses all of the Yogas. Classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti Yoga, as well as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha, and Tantra Yoga are employed in practice. Together, they guide one directly through the layers (Koshas) of being to the direct experience of the center of consciousness. Trying to grasp the tradition of the Himalayan masters is like trying to grab a cloud. Try as you will, you cannot quite hold it in your hand, but only in the inner chamber of your heart. It is from that inner place where one is truly guided by the masters.

All levels are welcome. Intensity level is moderate to vigorous.

New Moon Women’s Circle Monthly

Calling all powerful women!

Mothers of children, of new projects, of new beginnings, of the beautiful New Earth, let’s gather to seed 2024 with intention, love and presence!

We get together, we create sacred space, we share our stories, we meditate, we open our hearts to manifesting dreams and fearlessly tend to their growth process.

We remember together that we are holders of life, as were our mothers and all women before them. From remembrance, comes strength and with strength we create anew.

All women are welcome. 

Pelvic Awareness for Women

Participants will have an opportunity to connect to their body in a unique way. The goal of this class is to learn about and connect to the pelvic space.

Students will be given the time and opportunity to experience, reclaim and embody the pelvic region, the female organs and the rhythms of the female cycle.

A mix of lecture, discussion, asana and movement practice, classes will be centered on experiencing different anatomical places and their connections. We will practice yoga asana and breathing as well.

Classes will include:

~ Exploration of the functional, somatic, and experiential anatomy of the pelvic region.

~ Exercises for self-discovery, flexibility, strengthening, and coordination of the pelvic region.

~ Guidelines for practicing yoga asana with pelvic alignment in mind, which informs and helps connecting with the organic body.

Each of us has native, embodied wisdom that knows what is true. This wisdom reveals itself when we allow the natural genius of our bodies to show the way for practice and connection. Experiential Anatomy, Developmental Movement, and Iyengar Yoga can be vehicles to understand, connect to, and begin to reclaim and integrate the territory of the pelvis and its various tributaries.

Experiential Anatomy is a term coined by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen as part of the School for Body-Mind Centering training. Each class has a mix of lecture, discussion, movement and art techniques that contribute with learning the material. Classes are interactive allowing participants to bring their questions and shares to the forum if they so choose.

All women are welcome.

Reiki Healing Circle (monthly)

Reiki Circles 2024

2024’s numerology amounts to 8, which is a number that invites us to stand strong in our personal power. We are approaching the end of a 9 year cycle of much growth, understandings and changes, both internally and externally.

Integration of what has occurred since the beginning of the cycle is what will occupy our attention for the next two years, so we may be ready for new adventures.

Monthly Reiki Circle Dates: January 25, February 29, March 28, April 25

The monthly Reiki Circles are an opportunity to connect with our inner needs, truth and light and with each other. We regroup, receive healing and bring it all into the world, and then repeat. Coming into community in a loving, supportive atmosphere is an important balancing key, always and especially now.

The format of the circles includes a meditation tailored each month for the needs of the group, followed by Reiki transmission and healing.

All are welcome, beginners and practitioners alike.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a therapeutic modality as it down regulates the sympathetic nervous system and up regulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is often referred to as “rest and digest.”

In this course we will learn to cultivate internal awareness to calm the body and mind through gentle practices and breath work. Restorative yoga is intended, with minimal or neutral sensation, to promote deep relaxation as the body is fully supported.

These gentle practices invite us to rest in the present moment and to recognize the joy of relaxation

Mindful Flow Yoga

This class will focus on the fundamentals of a traditional hatha yoga practice. We will bring awareness to our physical and mental patterns as we move through the asanas. Maintaining mindfulness of the breath as the bridge between our body and mind will help bring both physical and mental balance. The class will begin and end with chanting and include deep relaxation after the asanas.

All levels are welcome. Gentle and Breath Centered.

Somatic Movement Class


Observe how the body holds tension and explore ways to release it.

Repetitive movements and prolonged stress can result in muscle tightness that leads to chronic pain. This class is designed to help identify and release involuntary tension held in our bodies. Students will be guided through a series of small, subtle, and conscious movements rooted in the practice of Essential Somatics to encourage awareness of stress reflexes, release tension, and achieve greater freedom of movement.

Gentle but powerful, suitable for everyone.

Sunrise Yoga

Lori Trikonasana ~ Vertical Crop

A one-hour early morning yoga practice designed for yogins of all levels who want to get their yoga on, but have busy days ahead of them.

Typically, the Sunrise Yoga practice starts with a few moments of seated breath work, followed by sun salutations to warm up the body and an ever-changing sequence of postures including standing poses, hip openers, shoulder openers, inversions, twists, forward bends, and/or backbends.

You will leave Sunrise Yoga feeling relaxed yet energized and ready to start your busy day with a clear and quiet mind and a spring in your step, ready to face the challenges of the day with a positive outlook that will improve your productivity, efficiency and concentration.

All levels are welcome. Intensity level is moderate to vigorous.

Tai Chi & Chi Gong

The first half of class is QiGong practice.

We continue working on the 8, the 24 Style Yang Movement, and the 40 and with swords…

ALL are welcome. Gentle.

Yoga @ 50 & Better

Especially designed, but not exclusively for, the 50 and better practitioner.

This class will benefit muscle tone and strength, with a focus on breathing and postural alignment, promoting better balance and more self-confidence.

Copious use of props will enable people of All Levels to enjoy a deeper understanding of and access to yoga practice.